Tuesday, October 26, 2010



Finally.. after almost 7 months (kalau ngandung dah beranak dah ni), i will write sumting in my blog..
I start to think that i want to blog more after this but.. there's always but... ngeheheh.. if i only have enough time to sit peacefully in front of lappy... ya.. peacefully.. My baby is growing (he's 1++) n tgh melasak maximum... Mmg pantang la dia tgk aku bukak lappy.. Sigh...Its not easy to be a mom kan?

Last 7 months, takde apa yg menarik pon.. just a normal routine life... This year 2nd time aiman beraya..
and our theme color is purple.. and the best part nye my along n angah nye family pon kaler purple but too bad no photo was taken...

Ok stop for now.. my son is crying.. nak kuhkuh (susu in his language)... He's 1year  5 months, n still breastfeeding.. Alhamdulillah... niat ku nak nyusukan dia smpai 2 tahun, insyaAllah akan menjadi kenyataan...
mmg rezeki mu nak... mummy tetap gigih..

P/S- its not easy to bfeed ur baby... its like journey of emotion...

Baby.. baby.. baby oohhh baby..

Baby, baby,baby oooo baby..

Sunday, March 14, 2010



Idea banyak tapi kemalasan asyik menguasai diri dan kepala hotaks ku...
Seriously! maybe some other time bila ade proper internet connection...
Ni dok menumpang berukband POTONG adik aku ni, letih la bila asyik DC je..
Malas pon sbb badan kepenatan... rumah tak habis nak dikemas2, di lipat.. dah la baru banjir smpai plaster siling runtuh... tu pon tak abih kemas.. punye la tahap malas tu... my baby, getting bigger n makin byk songeh.. syg sgt mak dia, balik keje mmg tak kasik lepas punye.. kena dok sblh dia ajer...
so cane tak jadi malas.... Chaiss alasan!

P/S- Tgh mencari Tv cabinet la.. susah nye nak cari yg cantik n simple.. sigh..

Saturday, February 27, 2010



How it feel if someone yg dianggap good friend betrayed u, cheated on u (mcm lover la plak!)??? Sucks isn't it? Thats what i feel dari hujung tahun lepas till now... How to forget everything hah???
Betul  la org ckp, Its easy to forgive ur enemy, but not your best friend....
Im trying hard to forget everything about her... but it just so hard!! Cuz i used to trust her so much!!! Knowing me as a soft-hearted person *yucks!*, its very hard for me to hurt the person who already closed to me for years! But for her? seriously i dont know what in her mind... I Feel like stupid stupid stupid!!!
Arghh aku benci sgt tau this situation! mcm Syialan!!  "Why the hell u doing this to me?". Im sure u happy now... Nevermind... May u be in peaceful life with your CHEATER attitude!

P/S-Kalau aku mencarut kat sini, rasa2nya kena hack tak blog aku? F**king B**ch!



Its almost a month n half, n im back to this... sometimes, sgt byk perkara yg nak di blog out kan.. but the only problem is I dont have my own internet connection at home. How to blog if u dont have internet connection? *sigh*. Ini pon nasib (syhhh Rahsyia..). Takkan nak blog via my BB? mau juling biji mata n meletop plak BB ku..
Actually why i didn't subcribe to any internet provider because i am planning to move in to my own house which i just got the key awal bulan yang ni (10 feb 2010 ok!)... Masa mula2 nak beli rumah, so excited.. everything i want to pasang at my new house.. But after dah dapat kunci, then i realised that i already have a son. He's 9 month n he already comfortable with his current daycare center.. how to move there?? *doink*.. Mak pulak dah siap psycho mcm2 ckp all the bad things about other Daycare... haiyooh... so berat!
Of course as a mother, i want the best for my son... of course i want to leave her to someone i already trusted.... and the best part, He already recognised people. So how to go to new place n make him comfortable with the new cikgu? Kerana anak hati ku menjadi sgt lembut.. tak sanggup tinggalkan dia nangis2 dgn stranger baru yg dia x kenal.. Aduih hai...
Regarding to my internet problem... i will try my level best to solve it ASAP! n try to make up something. So i can move to my new house ASAP jugak! Ahhh I love my new House *wink*

P/S- I got flu... Great...!!

Sunday, January 17, 2010



I have no idea why i've created this. I'm zero in blogging but i do love reading people's blog. Actually i really have no intention to create my own one but today i've decided to do it eventhough i used to tell my friends that i'm not interested in blogging.
Well... people change in seconds rite? So this is me as MUMMY, WIFE, DAUGHTER, SISTER and FRIEND... ;D 

P/S- Menyampah Plak aku tgk writing aku sendiri.. Hehehe...